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CRM Diagnosis: Where Does It Hurt?


While a CRM checkup may be the best preventative medicine, sometimes we just don’t want to get diagnosed. We put it off because we get busy or because we figure if we ignore the problem long enough, maybe it will go away on its own. But if you neglect your minor CRM problems or aches and pains for too long, you may find your overall CRM health to be deteriorating. At that point, you need to analyze just what the problem seems to be… where does it hurt?

Analyze CRM Problems and Seek Treatment

Are your clients and prospects having a reaction to the number of irrelevant communications the firm has been sending? Has the number of duplicate contacts in the system swollen to an unacceptable levels? Has usage flat-lined because the users have lost confidence in the system? Are you feeling pressure from firm management because they don’t perceive they are getting value from the CRM? Or maybe some technology glitches – or some obstinate end users – are just giving you a pain.

Well, whatever your symptoms, rest assured, you are not alone. Plenty of firms have found themselves in the exact same place. The first step is admitting that you have a problem. But don’t worry, once you get diagnosed and seek treatment, if you follow up with a strong dose of commitment, you can get rid of the annoying or painful symptoms and achieve CRM success.

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