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Solving CRM and Data Quality Puzzles…
One Success at a Time.

CLIENTSFirst Consulting helps companies achieve success with Customer Relationship Management (CRM), eMarketing, Data Quality. We offer a range of consulting services and solutions tailored to help you utilize Client and industry data and business development technology to grow your business.

Clients We Serve

At CLIENTSFirst, we strive to provide value, results and service to our Clients. We have had the privilege of working together with hundreds of motivated professionals and dedicated marketing and business development employees at top firms in the United States and Canada. While our roots are in services industries such as the legal, accounting and consulting industries, we’ve branched out into other areas including software companies, recruiting firms, travel and tourism and city visitor bureaus. What we’ve discovered in working together with companies and organizations in all of these industries is that, while their businesses may all be different, their Client data challenges are quite similar and all are capable of achieving success.

What We Do


Today’s marketplace and environment have never been more competitive as professional services firms and other organizations are struggling to deal with working from home or hybrid and the great resignation or realignment. Our team is available on a full-time or part-time basis to fill staffing gaps and cut costs.


Whether you are in the initial stages of CRM selection, leading a new CRM initiative at your firm or attempting to enhance the success of your current implementation, our CRM solutions and services are designed to help you succeed.

Data Quality Solutions

Make no mistake: to enhance and maintain data quality, there is no “magic bullet” in terms of systems or technology. Good data quality requires good people. With the right strategy, planning and U.S.-based data cleaning professionals, you can actually improve CRM data quality, while reducing costs – and headaches.


eMarketing is more than just newsletters: it’s automating communication processes that help build relationships with your Clients. We can help you choose the right tools and put the right processes in place to increase ROI and achieve eMarketing success.


Up to 70 percent of CRM implementations fail to meet expectations resulting in a tremendous loss of time, money and credibility. Download The CRM Growth CYCLE infographic to assess where you are on the CRM continuum. This useful tool will help you gauge progress and plan for CRM Success.

Not where you want to be? We can help!
Contact us for a complimentary CRM Success Discovery Session.

Learn more at CLIENTSFirst CRM Solutions



CLIENTSFirst is committed to creating and publishing articles that provide value for our Clients. Click here to learn more about CRM and other marketing technologies.


Our team of consultants frequently shares their knowledge and experience at meetings and conferences. Click here to enjoy some of our latest presentations.

Info, Ideas, and Best Practices

We want to help you get the most out of your marketing technology and business development strategies. That’s why we have gathered some of the leading sources of ideas and information into one easy-to-use reference page.

Speaking Engagements

Our consultants travel across North America to bring the message of CRM and eMarketing success to our Clients. Click here to find out where we will be next.

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